Published: May 31, 2023

Dear Customers,
Following up on our most recent post from May 5, 2023, we are reaching out again with a status update on the liquidation of Euro Pacific Intl. Bank, Inc. (the “Bank”) and the migration process.
Unfortunately, the Receiver has still not provided a date for the commencement of the liquidation of the Bank. The seller, purchaser and other stakeholders continue to follow up conscientiously with the Receiver and, as soon as we have a meaningful update, we will share it with you via the usual communication channels (website, direct email). It was our strong hope and desire that this liquidation process would have started and been completed by now, particularly because of the court order for the Bank’s correspondent bank to unfreeze queued outgoing wires, a key blocker earlier in this process.
For customers migrating to Qenta, that process will commence as soon as there is visibility from the Receiver on when liquidation will occur. The Qenta team has prepared an easy migration process and will provide further updates closer to the migration date.
As always, should you have any comments or questions, please feel free to reach out to our Client Services team at [email protected] and we will be very happy to provide all needed assistance.
Euro Pacific Bank.