Please follow this procedure to change your existing Euro Pacific Trader password.
Step 1: Login to your Client Portal
Login to your Client Portal and go to your Settings > User Settings page in your Menu.

Step 2: Do you see your email address in the Communication section?
Yes, I see my email address
If you see your own email address, please proceed to Step 3.
No, I see [email protected]
Before you proceed to the next step, please schedule a call with our Client Services team, as we will need to be on the phone with you to provide you a Security Token.

Step 3: Create your new password
Click the cog icon to the right of Password to go to the main password page, where you will be required to enter your existing password and new password of your choice.
Step 4: Enter Security Token
To accept your new password request, your Client Portal will send a Security Token to the email address listed in Step 2. Hence why if the Security Token is sent to [email protected], you’ll need our Client Services team to provide you the token verbally.