International Balanced Fund - Euro Pacific Bank


October 31, 2024: Receiver's Report.

October 16, 2024: Receiver's Notice.

October 04, 2024: Migration Update.

April 16, 2024: Receiver's Reports.

April 13, 2024: Migration & Liquidation update.

March 11, 2024: Receiver's Reports.

March 03, 2024: Migration & Liquidation update.

February 19, 2024: Migration & Liquidation update.

February 02, 2024: Migration & Liquidation update.

November 21, 2023: Migration Update (Opt-in Only).

November 20, 2023: Progress Report (Opt-out Only).

September 22, 2023: Report & Communication Portal.

September 01, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

July 20, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

June 23, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

June 17, 2023: Receiver's report.

May 31, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

May 05, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

April 20, 2023: Liquidation update- Action required.

March 31, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

March 8, 2023: Migration & Liquidation update.

January 27, 2023: Correspondent bank update.

December 16, 2022: Comprehensive FAQ is published.

December 05, 2022: Migration & liquidation update.

November 01, 2022: Mutual funds & outgoing wire requests update.

October 21, 2022: Update on Opt-out deadline - Extended.

October 14, 2022: Customer Update & Townhall.

October 8, 2022: Update on opt-out deadline for EPB clients who do not wish to migrate their account to Qenta Inc.

September 30, 2022: Update on bank liquidation, pending transactions, and migration of assets to Qenta Inc.

September 28, 2022: Update on pending transactions for clients opting out of Qenta Inc. migration.

September 16, 2022: Update on pending transactions for clients opting out of Qenta Inc. migration.

September 8, 2022: Qenta has emailed a welcome letter to all EPB clients. You can read a copy of it here.

September 2, 2022: Update on pending transactions, brokerage, and account migration.

August 29, 2022: Euro Pacific Bank liquidation has commenced. Please read our formal instructions here as it is time-sensitive.

Euro Pacific Bank

International Balanced Fund

Min. Investment


Mutual Fund

The Fund is intended for investors seeking long term capital gains and a medium degree of risk, aiming to preserve the real value of capital by either matching or exceeding the rate of inflation. The Fund invests in global equities with strong balance sheets, investment-grade corporate bonds, and a variety of government treasuries around the world.


1. Fund managed by our professional portfolio managers
2. For medium-risk investors who want equal-to-above-inflation-rate returns long term
3. Access to foreign markets not limited by universe of domestic American Depository Receipts (ADRs)

Historical NAVs

Available Now

Purchase inside in your eBanking and track your holdings daily.


Investment Objective

The Fund’s objective is to generate long term capital growth while reducing volatility through diversification. The Fund seeks to diversify currency risk and takes a long-term investment view with low portfolio turnover. High diversification, low brokerage costs, and lower volatility are desired when building a global, long-term portfolio.

The Management Team

Euro Pacific Advisors Ltd. manages all Mutual Funds through a sub-advisory management agreement with a 150-year-old, European financial services company that provides investment and advisory services to institutional and corporate clients internationally.

The company advising Euro Pacific Advisors directly manages ‎£2.5bn+ in client assets, led by three investment managers with over 60 years’ combined industry experience and specialisms in risk-management, technical analysis, and global funds.

Day-to-day investment decisions are delegated to Euro Pacific Advisors, thus relieving you of the burden of reacting to fast moving-markets, changing economic circumstances, and time-consuming administration. Simply track all of your trades online and watch your portfolio grow in real-time.

Investment Process

Euro Pacific Advisors uses top-down analysis to select the best countries and industries and bottom-up analysis to select the best securities globally. The Fund will focus in countries with positive macro-economic fundamentals, including but not limited to trade surpluses, low government debt, high interest rates relative to other developing nations, and low inflation. Exposure to the different asset classes within the portfolio will be rebalanced periodically as investment conditions change.

Core vs. Tactical Component

Euro Pacific Advisors employs an innovative investment approach whereby typically 80% of your portfolio – the Core component – will be invested primarily in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to provide you with exposure to a number of different asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities, and cash globally.

The Tactical component composed of the remaining 20% will be invested to enhance returns by exploiting shorter-term opportunities and special situations, including Initial Public Offerings and takeover scenarios. This element of the portfolio may also be used to hedge equity exposure through equity indices or sectors.

Investment decisions are made by the professional managers and guided by a variety of internal and external information sources. Investments are governed by parameters to reduce risk and monitored accordingly.

Maximum Diversification

The majority of the investment is allocated into a range of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to provide exposure to a wide variety of asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities, commercial property and cash. As a result, our strategies can maintain thousands of underlying securities spanning different countries and sectors. This provides much greater diversification than would be practical with solely direct investment, but with lower brokerage costs than most forms of collective investment and lower volatility.

Security Information

Launch Date July 14, 2011
Custodian Euro Pacific Securities, Inc.

Portfolio Characteristics

Currency Denomination USD
Benchmark Morningstar Diversified Alt Index TR USD
No. of Underlying Holdings 11,463

Data as of 01/31/2021.

Sales Load


Annual Expense Ratio


Fees as stated in the prospectus.

1A sales load is a sales charge or commission charged to an investor when buying or redeeming shares in a mutual fund. We do not charge a sales load for buying and selling mutual funds.
2Also known as a “management fee”.

Historical Statistics

Cumulative Return6.10%
Annualized Return0.56%
12 Month Yield2.24%
Weighted TER of Components0.41%

Monthly Performance

For Investors who are:

  1. Speculative and long term
  2. Looking for diversification and capital appreciation

Variability of Returns

The annual returns on the portfolio will vary. The purpose of this section is to provide a forecast of the extent of this variation. The average risk (defined by annual volatility) of world equity markets since October 2003 has been 16%*. The portfolio has a target risk level relative to world equity markets of 75%. If it continues averaging this level, the target volatility for your portfolio will approximate 12%, meaning annual returns should be less volatile than those from a global portfolio consisting solely of equities. Typically, an investor exposing a portfolio to this level of volatility might target an average annual return of 6%.

For this profile of expected return and risk, the potential distribution of annual returns over a 40 year period is shown diagrammatically to the right. Returns would be expected to fall in the range of -6% to +18% in around 26 years out of 40. An annual decline in portfolio value greater than 24% would be expected once in forty years. There is no guarantee that the long term average return of your portfolio will be as high as 6% or that volatility will not exceed 12%.

This table details the expected distribution of annual returns produced by a portfolio generating a long term annualized return of 6% with annualized volatility of 12%. The y axis is the number of years during a 40 year period which the return would be expected to fall within the specified ranges. Actual monthly performance figures give a further indication of the type of short term variability you might expect.

*Source: Bloomberg

Special Risk Factors

Foreign Securities

The Fund invests primarily in foreign securities, which are generally riskier than U.S. securities. As a result, the Fund is subject to foreign risk, meaning that political events (such as civil unrest, national elections and imposition of exchange controls), social and economic events (such as labor strikes and rising inflation), and natural disasters occurring in a country where the Fund invests could cause the Fund’s investments in that country to experience gains or losses.

Currency Risk

Because the Fund generally invests in securities denominated in foreign currencies, the Fund is subject to currency risk, meaning that the Fund could experience gains or losses based solely on changes in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the U.S.

Top 15 Largest Holdings

68.80% of total net assets as of 03/31/2021. Portfolio holdings exclude any temporary cash holdings.

Asset Classes

Equity Regional Exposure

Equity Country Exposure

Equity Sectors

Equity Capitalization

Fixed Income Credit Quality

Data as of 01/31/2021.

Important Disclosure: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Portfolio historical statistics for this model portfolio have been generated using a number of data sources including Morningstar Direct, Bloomberg and alpha. Data are rebased in USD and are stated net of annual management charges and taxes. This composite performance record is hypothetical and calculated from a multitude of portfolios and mutual funds. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any multi-fund managed account or pool will or is likely to achieve a composite performance record similar to that shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between a hypothetical composite performance record and the actual record subsequently achieved. One of the limitations of a hypothetical composite performance record is that decisions relating to the selection of trading securities and the allocation of assets among those trading securities were made with the benefit of hindsight based upon the historical rates of return of the selected funds and securities. Another inherent limitation on these results is that the allocation decisions reflected in the performance record were not made under actual market conditions and, therefore, cannot completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. Furthermore, the composite performance record may be distorted because the allocation of assets changes from time to time and these adjustments are not reflected in the composite. This performance is not AIMR compliant.