Euro Pacific Bank has taken a number of important steps to ensure the security of our banking clients. Using industry leading technology standards and highly attuned human verification processes, Euro Pacific Bank provides a transparent and secure banking environment.

Full-Reserve Banking
While you may not know it, one of the biggest risks to banking clients is not online fraud, but the fractional reserve banking system. As a full-reserve bank, Euro Pacific Bank holds a 100% deposit ratio, extends no loans, and operates completely on transaction fees and trading commissions. Further, we do not speculate with client funds or engage in proprietary trading.

Industry-Leading Encryption
The bank utilizes 256bit SSL encryption certificates to protect all client sensitive material. Our software is PCI compliant and follows the latest in online security practices. Our servers offer triple-redundancy protection to ensure your information is always available. We offer clients the ability to communicate through internal messaging to further our privacy offering.

Human Intervention
Unlike major money center banks who have straight through processing (STP), our trained staff manually processes all outgoing transactions. This human verification process gives you an additional level of protection from electronic hacking. The knowledge of our clients combined with strong AML training substantially reduces the chances for fraudulent activity within your account.
Precious Metals Account
Launching 10 years ago, the Precious Metals Account is one of the oldest and most popular Euro Pacific Bank products and it has since become a cornerstone of our asset diversification offering. The program offers investors three pillars of confidence when investing in precious metals: convenience, security, and longevity.

We’ve chosen one of the largest, privately operated non-bank vaults in Asia to store our physical bullion. The state-of-the-art bullion vault is located in Singapore, one of the safest jurisdictions in the world for bullion storage.
Boasting a storage capacity of 630 metric tons and ISO 9001 certification, the world-class vault is guarded by the Singapore auxiliary police. The custodian vault is also licensed by the customs authority under the Singapore government.
Our custodian vault is audited every quarter by two renowned and trusted firms, Bureau Veritas and Ernst & Young. Further, as a firm, we also have the option of electing auditors of our choice to inspect our bullion at any time.
Monthly Audit
Our responsibility is to back the Precious Metals Account with physical precious metals. In return, clients receive true price exposure to physical gold and silver. Every month, we publish in this section the ratio of total client gold and silver holdings relative to the total ounces of bullion we physically hold in our custodian vault.
Gold Total
Date | Client Holdings (oz.) | Vault Holdings (oz.) | Total Backing* |
01/2021 | 13,249.33 | 13,251.61 | 100% |
02/2021 | 12,928.01 | 13,251.61 | 103% |
03/2021 | 12,949.06 | 13,251.61 | 102% |
04/2021 | 12,793.35 | 13,251.61 | 104% |
05/2021 | 12,675.05 | 13,251.61 | 105% |
06/2021 | 12,420.22 | 13,251.61 | 107% |
07/2021 | 12,317.89 | 13,251.61 | 108% |
08/2021 | 12,387.47 | 13,251.61 | 107% |
09/2021 | 12,288.64 | 12,861.00 | 105% |
10/2021 | 11,934.72 | 12,861.00 | 108% |
11/2021 | 11,736.07 | 12,075.75 | 103% |
12/2021 | 11,741.20 | 12,075.75 | 102.85% |
01/2022 | 11,621.58 | 12,075.75 | 104% |
02/2022 | 11,524.77 | 12,075.75 | 105% |
03/2022 | 11,524.77 | 12,075.75 | 105% |
04/2022 | 11,579.76 | 12,075.75 | 104% |
05/2022 | 11,262.14 | 12,075.75 | 107.22% |
06/2022 | 11,244.29 | 12,075.75 | 107.39% |
07/2022 | 11,244.29 | 12,075.75 | 107.39% |
08/2022 | 9,886.46 | 12,075.75 | 122% |
Silver Total
Date | Client Holdings (oz.) | Vault Holdings (oz.) | Total Backing* |
01/2021 | 366,942.53 | 349,843.89 | 95% |
02/2021 | 379,360.42 | 366,890.14 | 97% |
03/2021 | 372,348.14 | 366,890.14 | 99% |
04/2021 | 367,472.60 | 366,890.14 | 100% |
05/2021 | 364,891.00 | 366,890.14 | 101% |
06/2021 | 352,213.54 | 366,890.14 | 104% |
07/2021 | 350,285.73 | 366,890.14 | 105% |
08/2021 | 354,480.52 | 366,890.14 | 104% |
09/2021 | 359,348.27 | 359,042.77 | 100% |
10/2021 | 351,027.69 | 359,042.77 | 102% |
11/2021 | 349,446.11 | 359,042.77 | 102.75% |
12/2021 | 347,073.20 | 359,042.77 | 103% |
01/2022 | 346,013.35 | 359,042.77 | 103.77% |
02/2022 | 343,951.38 | 359,042.77 | 104.39% |
03/2022 | 350,799.29 | 359,042.77 | 102% |
04/2022 | 352,337.43 | 359,042.77 | 101.90% |
05/2022 | 333,842.43 | 359,042.77 | 108% |
05/2022 | 333,842.43 | 359,042.77 | 107.55% |
06/2022 | 330,564.12 | 359,042.77 | 108.62% |
07/2022 | 330,564.12 | 359,042.77 | 108.62% |
08/2022 | 312,312.94 | 359,042.77 | 114% |
*Total Backing % is calculated by dividing Total Customer Holdings (oz.) by Total Vault Holdings (oz.), represented as a percentage.
Total aggregate client orders must reach a threshold of one full 400 oz. gold bar or 1000 oz. silver bar before we can physically cover (buy and sell) bars at our custodian vault. As a result, the Precious Metals Account will typically be slightly under-collateralized or over-collateralized at all times. In other words, the Total Physical Backing % will deviate slightly from 100% short-term and revert to the mean of 100% long-term.
Our custodian vault is fully-insured by Marsh, a 150-year-old precious metals industry-renowned insurance provider with over $3 billion in collected premiums annually. They provide our custodian vault a comprehensive insurance package with maximum liability of approximately $400 million for any one loss, covering all risk of physical loss or damage including terrorism and sabotage, mysterious disappearance, and infidelity of employees. Additionally, the insurance plan is financially backed by 40 underwriters at Lloyd’s of London.

Our fully-allocated physical precious metals are in the form of 400 troy ounce (12.4 kg) gold bars and 1,000 troy ounce (32.15kg) silver bars. Further, the bars were refined by LBMA-accredited refineries and strictly follow Good Delivery specifications.

Our bullion is segregated from other vault clientele as they are considered private property protected under Singapore law.
Our custodian vault’s proprietary bullion testing system, conducted by labs located in the vault facility, ensures genuinity of all precious metals stored. The comprehensive procedure consists of three non-destructive tests before the results are verified against an online database of parameters that are unique to the metals.
Technology-Driven Testing
To ensure traceability, reliability, and minimization of human errors, the testing procedure is enforced by our custodian vault’s proprietary software, which interfaces directly with testing instruments.